Halcyon - Mentor Interest Form
Thank you for your interest in being a Mentor for Halcyon Fellows and to help accelerate the impact-driven future of business. Please, fill this survey with some information so we can better understand your experience as a mentor. Please understand that even though we deeply appreciate your interest, filling this form does not mean you will be asked to be a mentor, only that you will be considered when we identify a good fit between you and a Fellow/Venture.
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1- First Name *
2- Last Name *
3- E-mail *
4- Organization *
5- Position
6- Field (Choose up to three)
7- Expertise (Choose up to three)
8- Are you based in the DC Area (can you come to Halcyon for in-person mentorship?) *
9.1- Experience as Mentor *
9.2- If you have mentored before outside of Halcyon, please indicate where (optional)
10- Link to your LinkedIn account (optional)
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